Abdul Koroma

Abdul Koroma, born on May 15th, 2010, hails from the Southern town of Yamandu, situated approximately 40 kilometers away from the regional city of Bo in Sierra Leone. Initially, he was a healthy child, but at the age of three, he was afflicted by a severe fever. Unfortunately, the lack of adequate medical facilities in the town and the inability to quickly transport him to Bo for proper treatment resulted in his being paralyzed.

Presently, Abdul resides with his mother, who toils on a traditional farm to provide food for their sustenance. Due to his paralysis, Abdul has to crawl on the ground to make his way to school every day, sometimes receiving assistance from his classmates. This mode of movement has led to various wounds and sores on his body, which is a cause of concern.

Despite facing numerous challenges, Abdul recently appeared for the National Primary School Examination (NPSE) and achieved clear passes, qualifying him for admission into Junior Secondary School. However, during the last NPSE, he encountered delays in reaching the examination center due to his inability to walk, resorting to crawling.

As Abdul embarks on this new phase of education in Junior Secondary School, he requires a power wheelchair to enhance his mobility and present himself more neatly and decently at school. Additionally, he urgently needs support for school materials, fees, and medication to aid in the healing of his wounds and sores.

The assistance provided to Abdul will not only enable him to attend school more comfortably but also empower him to pursue his education and build a better future for himself despite the challenges he faces.